Thursday, October 31, 2019

Interpreting Research Questions Using MANOVA Essay

Interpreting Research Questions Using MANOVA - Essay Example The article reports multiple dependent and independent variables in the subject study. The set of independent variables consists of the types of care services as offered by the care facilities that were involved in the research. These include substance abuse care services: â€Å"assessment, referral for detoxification, intensive outpatient treatment, toxicology, 12- step groups, individual and group counseling, linkage to methadone maintenance, relapse prevention and recreation† (Bennett and O’Brien, 2007, p. 399, 400). Domestic violence factors include â€Å"24-hour crisis, shelter, case management, psycho education, advocacy or protection orders, transportation, children’s program, and individual, group, or mother child counseling† (Bennett and O’Brien, 2007, p. 400). Dependent variables consist of three factors, â€Å"women’s experience of battering,† â€Å"domestic violence self efficacy,† and the number of days in which the participants abused drugs (Bennett and O’Brien, 2007, p. 400). The journal uses different levels of measurement to represent the research’s data. While it applies nominal level of measurement for the independent variables, ordinal level is applied for the three categories of dependent variables. In a nominal level of measurement, numbers are assigned to items for mere identification purposes while such numbers hold preference values in ordinal level of measurement (Melnyk and Overholt, 2010). The research analyzes five variables, two independent variables, and three dependent variables. Even though the article does not explicitly offer a research question, it answers the question, ‘what are the effects of coordinated services for drug abusing women who are victims of intimate partner violence?’ The results that show reduced levels of substance abuse and higher efficiency among the women support this (Bennett and O’Brien, 2007). The second article explores

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example for Free

Global Warming Essay Picture in your mind a world in which the temperature is at least ten degrees higher than it is today, where they’re supposed to be snow you can see a green valley and all the major cities are covered by water. This imaginary picture is not too far from the truth. This essay will discuss the effects of global warming as a life threatening condition causing extreme heat waves, glacier retreat and sea level rises. The first effect of global warming is the dramatic increase of temperature all over the globe. The actual readings show a global warming of around 0.6 degrees Celsius over the entire 20th century. Furthermore, any micro change in the temperature can generate severe weather conditions like rain and tornados also, some areas may experiment extreme heat waves that could derivate in death by dehydratation. Other contributors for the changes in temperature are the greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are naturally generated by solid waste in the form of methane gas. The human generated ones that comes from automobile exhausts and heaters from homes including factories wastes. Although, greenhouse gases are mainly natural the real problem resides in the excess of this gases overheating the planet. With the change in temperature previously indicated, there is a second effect of global warming, glacier retreat. Places traditionally known by snow or cold weathers now report less amounts of snow and a rise in temperature for example, in the Chimborazo volcano, Ecuador, the snow of the glacier is retreating at a rate of 0.5 meters each year also Antarctica reported to have the warmest year in all history. Remember that most of the water for human consumption comes from the glaciers, when they melt over controlled conditions the water resulted from the melting goes to rivers. Moreover, if the melting continues and the glacier disappears there is a good chance that there will be no more water to drink. Continuing with the effects of global warming and as a result of the previous two appears the rise of the sea levels. At this moment the sea levels increase in a ratio of 1.8mm to 2.4mm per year and the predictions indicate that this ratio is increasing rapidly to 3.8mm per year. If the tendency continues most of the major cities located near the coast are on the risk of disappearing by the water. The two factors that lead to the increased levels in sea are, the first thermal expansion: as oceans water warms it expands and second each year enormous blocks of ice, talking about in some cases of kilometers of ice, from the poles melt into the sea as a result of the increased temperatures provoking the rise in water levels. In conclusion, global warming effects are related in a chain reaction. So, because of the extreme temperature changes people could die and, the glaciers and poles experiment an enormous reduction. Also, because of the first two effects the level of the oceans begins to rise. The future or our civilization depends on how these effects are addressed, because of what it is important to reduce the consumption of gas or oil for heating houses, keep our vehicles in good conditions to reduce greenhouse gases, better if the bicycle is used instead of the car. I hope our nations and citizens make conscience about this threat to our lives and begin to work together in solutions to the problem.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Effect of WCM on Firm Profitability in Pakistan Textiles

Effect of WCM on Firm Profitability in Pakistan Textiles This research examines the effect of Working Capital Management (WCM) on profitability of firms in the textile sector of Pakistan. I also used cost of production and fixed assets cost as control variable to investigate their effect on profitability of textile companies. I have selected a sample size of 55 textile companies of Pakistan for a period of six years from 2003 to 2008. Regression and coefficient of correlation are used for analysis. The SPSS result R=0.77 shows the strong correlation between the model which helps me understand the relationship between working capital, cost of production, fixed assets and profitability. OBJECTIVES This research is focusing on working capital management and its effects on profitability of textile companies in Pakistan. The main objectives are: To determine the relationship between the efficiency of Working Capital Management (WCM) and Profitability over a period of 6 years for 55 Textile firms of Pakistan. To analyze the relationship between cost of production and profitability of textile companies. To find out the effect of fixed assets cost on profitability of textile companies. To draw conclusion about the relationship between efficiency of working capital management and profitability of textile firms in Pakistan. To suggest some measures for improvement in working capital management of textile sector in Pakistan. LIMITATIONS Due to the time frame and choice of the subject there were number of limitation faced by the researcher during the thesis. The first and the foremost limitation to this research is the shortage of time which created many hurdles in collecting data and completion of report; Researcher was unable to find many research on his topic within the scenario of Pakistan. So therefore researches were unable to compare its finding with other researches; Very few studies have been made in relation to Working Capital Management (WCM) especially in the textile sector in Pakistan. Therefore, the present study is a maiden attempt to analyze the relationship between WCM efficiency, cost of production, fixed assets cost and Profit in the textile sector in Pakistan. Its was very difficult for research to collect financial data of 55 textile companies in a very short span of time allotted to complete the research. Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Textile Sector: Textile products are a basic human requirement next only to food. Backbone of industrial sector which plays a vital role in the national economy it give support to GDP, exports, employment, foreign exchange earnings, investment and contribution to value added industry by providing employment to largely utilized workforce. So to boost the economy and to reduce the poverty in the country the performance of all industrial sectors is very important and textile sector is one of the major sectors of all developing countries. 1.2 Performance of Textile Sector in Pakistan: The performance of textile sector has strong relationship with the cost incurred by textile sector and effective management of net working capital. Pakistan is a developing country which lack in most of the industrial resources same as the case with textile sector in Pakistan we have to import most of the technical machinery used in textile sector from other developed countries which increases the overall cost of textile sector in Pakistan as well as lack of working capital, increase in fuel prices, electricity shortage, high import duties, high cost of debt, taxation and all other factors together bring negativity in the performance of textile sector. However, Pakistans textile industry has again started to invest in the textile machinery and the imports of textile machinery for the month of February, 2010 were $23.1 million, an increase of 190% as compared to the imports of machinery in February, 2009 of $7.99 million. From July 09 to February 10 the total imports of machinery reco rded 3.1% increase, from $158.89 million to $163.844 million for the same period last year. Although the textiles sector cost has increased by purchase of these new machineries but this technology placed the positive impact on performance of textile industries because this not only increase productivity ultimately profit but also it helps to compete in the international market. The increased in labor cost is also one of factor effecting the textile sector in Pakistan because the major portion of textile production depends upon the labor used for production purposes due to the lack of technology. As the enhancement of minimum wages for textile sector is announced which proposed increase in minimum wages from Rs.4, 600/= to Rs.6, 000/= per Month (over 30%) for unskilled workers will have a devastating effect on industry. Besides the financial impact will also have to be borne towards payment of gratuity, provident fund, EOBI, social security excluding overtime etc. which if worked out will come to Rs.8, 322. In addition to the above, proportionate increase will also have to be given to the skilled cadre of workers as for instance; an operator will refuse to work at the same rate of salary being paid to a doffer. This will make textile sector survival more difficult in current scenario. The growth of textile sector depends on its productivity and mainly depend s on the cost and profitability. The textile sector is the largest sector of Pakistans economy which has the major shares in exports of the country but the major financing of this industry depends upon the bank loan. To purchase heavy machineries on cash or to lease them, the textile sector required huge amount of investment and to meet daily expenditures they need net working capital and for all that they have to borrow from bank by paying interest (i.e. cost debt) which increases the overall cost of textile sector in Pakistan. The textile sector of Pakistan is divided in many small firms which have small capital structure most of them are mainly dependent on loans due to unavailability of funds, continuous increase in cost of production. All these factors have a cumulative effect on the cost and profitability of textile sector as the increase in double digit inflation the survival of textile sector become more difficult. Although the textile sector of Pakistan is backed by the government with their greatest intere st in textile sector. They have arrange different types of investment policies and funds for textile sector but the improvement in textile sector due to other factors is still less then the requirement. Importance Of Textile Industry In Pakistans Economy 1.3 Effect of Working Capital and Other Factors on Textile Sector: Working capital management is a very important component of finance because it directly affects the profitability and liquidity of any organization especially in developing countries like Pakistan. It comprises funds invested in Current Assets, which in the ordinary course of business can be turned into cash within a short period without undergoing diminishing in value and without interruption of the organization. Current Liabilities are those which are projected to be paid in the ordinary course of business within a short time. Every company has to make arrangements for adequate funds to meet the day-to-day expenditure apart from investment in Fixed Assets. However, Pakistan textile sector is on decline just because of the additional cost due to lack of working capital which can have impact of profitability and liquidity and increase in inflation also effect textiles production badly. In this research, I have discussed and analyzed the relationship between the efficiency level of working capital management and profitability of textile sector in Pakistan as it is the major sector which contribute in Pakistan economy and generate foreign revenue by exporting textile products to international markets but the increase in cost, debt and improper management of working capital in this sector make its a declining sector in terms of profitability and liquidity. The textile industries come under the SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises) which does not bear the continuous increase of cost. According to APTMA, textile exports of Pakistan have declined by about 20% in 2008. The industry is bracing for more trouble ahead with continuing crises of electrici ty and gas, international market access, global economic slowdown, lack of capital and adverse travel advisories. Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Concept of Working Capital: Gross Working Capital: It represents the total current assets and is also referred to as circulating capital because current capital as current assets, are circulating in nature. Net Working Capital: It is a measure of liquidity and it can be defined in two ways. The most usually implied definition of net working capital is that it represents the difference between current assets and current liabilities. Some people also define it as excess of current assets over the current liabilities. It is that portion of the firms current assets, which is financed by long-term funds. 2.2 Objectives of Working Capital Management: The main objective is to ensure the maintenance of satisfactory level of working capital in such a way that it is neither inadequate nor excessive. It should not only be sufficient to cover the current liabilities but ensure a reasonable margin of safety also. To minimize the amount of capital employed in financing the current assets. This also leads to an improvement in the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Return of Capital Employedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. To manage the current assets in such a way that the marginal return on investment in these assets is not less than the cost of capital acquired to finance them. This will ensure the maximization of the value of the business unit. To maintain the proper balance between the amount of current assets and the current liabilities in such a way that the firm is always able to meet its financial obligations, whenever due. This will ensure the smooth working of the unit without any production held ups due to paucity of funds. 2.3 Nature Importance of Working Capital: Working capital is the most important concepts that a company should understand as how working capital and financing helps them to survive and competitive in business world. Working capital fulfills the short-term financial requirements of any business organization including textile companies especially in developing countries like Pakistan. It is regarded as operating capital needed to meets daily cash requirement of the organization and can not be retained in the business for a longer period of time in a particular form. The money invested in working capital changes its form and substance during the normal course of any business operations and the need and importance for maintaining an adequate working capital in any industry including textile sector can not be neglected in any way. Just as human body can not survive without the circulation of blood in the body, the organization also requires sufficient flow of funds within the organization. If it becomes weak, the business can har dly survive, prosper and generate profit. In developing countries like Pakistan, working capital starvation is generally accredited as one of the most important reason which causes the decline of any industry. According to Rafuse, (1996), Working capital starvation is generally credited as a major cause if not the major cause of small business failure in many developed and developing countries. There are several problems that create starvation of cash in any business which include poor financial management and improper planning of cash management. Jarvis et al, (1996) said that the cash flow problems of many small businesses are exacerbated by poor financial management and in particular the lack of planning cash requirements. For the financial strength of the business, a company should have and will prefer to have a positive working capital rather than a negative working capital. Some of the best ways to acquire short-term working capital financing are equity, trade credit and short-term loans. 2.4 Determinants of Working Capital: Working capital management is an indispensable functional area of management. However the large number of factors influences the total working capital requirements of the firm. It may however be added that these factors affect differently to the different units and these keep varying from time to time. In general, the determinants of working capital, which are common to all organizations, can be summarized as under: Nature and Size of Business Production Cycle Business Cycle Production Policy Credit Policy Growth Expansion Proper availability of raw materials Profit level Inflation Operating Efficiency 2.5 Sources of Working Capital: The working capital necessary and what constitutes working capital have been analyzed in depth. Now we look out what are the ways we can generate working capital. Trade Credits Bank Credit Current provisions and non-bank short term borrowings: and Long term sources i.e., equity share capital, preference share capital and other long term borrowings. 2.6 The Management of Working Capital According to Van Horne (1977), working capital management is the management of current assets such as cash, marketable securities, receivables, and inventories. Osisioma (1997) described working capital management as the regulation, adjustment, and management of balance between current assets and current liabilities of a firm such that maturing obligations are met, and the fixed assets are properly serviced. In order to manage working capital efficiently, two elements must exist as necessary components and desirable quantities. Osisioma (1997) explained that efficient working capital management must guarantee an adequate relationship between the different components of a organizations working capital so as to make an efficient mix, which will guarantee capital adequacy. Thus, working capital management should ensure that the desirable quantities of each component of the working capital are available for organization. However, the question arises that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“What determines n ecessary components of an organizations working capital and how much of such necessary components can be considered as adequate or desirable?à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? Each organization working capitals necessary components depend on the type of business and industry. Cash, accounts payables, accounts receivables, marketable securities, inventories, and redeemable futures can be recognized as the common components of firms working capital. However, the question is to recognize the factors that determine the adequacy of working capital based on growth, size, operating cash flow, etc. The inability to understand the determining factors and measurement of adequate amounts of working capital will lead an organization to bankruptcy. The altitude of performance levels businesses have traditionally been attributed to many general managerial factors such as manufacturing cost, marketing strategies and operations. Working capital management may have a consequent impact on business survival and growth (Kargar and Blumenthal, 1994). The proper management of working capital is very vital for the financial health of businesses of all sizes. It is often observed that the amounts invested in working capital are high in percentage to the total assets employed. Therefore, it is imperative that these amounts should be used in an efficient and effective manner. However, there is substantiation that manufacturing sector which include textile industry as well are not very good at managing their working capital. Reasons for that are many small businesses suffer from undercapitalization, increase cost of production, increase fixed asset cost and lots of other factors. According to V MARIAPPAN, K CHIDAMBARAM) (2003), Productivity does not only mean the increase in production but it relates to the cost reduction and efficiency in the process of production. Therefore, the importance of exerting tight control over working capital investment, cost of production and cost of fixed assets can not be neglected. An organization can be highly profitable, but if it fails to translate this into cash from operations within the same operating period, the organization would require borrowing to support its continued working capital requirements. Hence, the dual objectives of profitability and liquidity must be synchronized and one should not impinge on the other for long. Investments by any business in current assets are inevitable to ensure delivery of goods or services to the ultimate customers and a proper management of same should create the desired impact on either profitability or liquidity. If different resources are blocked at the various phases of the supply chain, this will lengthen the cash operating cycle. However, profitability might increase due to increase sales but it may also adversely affect the profitability if the costs tied up in working capital surpass the benefits of carrying more inventories and/or allowing more trade credit to customers. (Padachi, Kesseven, Oct 2006) 2.7 Production Cost Profit: Production cost is the cost of materials and labor necessary to produce goods and there are two types of profit that is generated from a business. The first is gross profit which is the difference of the total revenue generated after the sale of each item by the production cost for that item. Second is net profit which is calculated once the company pays taxes, rent, and other expenses that might come with running and owning the business. However lack of technology, increase labor and material cost, higher cost of debt and other factors increases production cost and decrease profit but if production increases, businesses are able to purchase more materials at a discounted rate, which can help them to reduce the production cost. 2.8 Textile Sector Cost of Production: The relationship of cost of production with profit of any sector is the key element used to evaluate the productivity of that particular sector including textile sector. Productivity is often mixed with increased production. However, higher production does not always mean higher productivity. Higher productivity can be achieved only by better utilization of resources and reduction of cost. So the importance of production cost can not be neglected and is closely related to the increase productivity of industrial sector on any economy. According to the Michael porter of the Harvard University says the competitiveness of any sector is totally depend on the productivity of its industrial sector. Productivity does not only mean the increase in production but it relates to the cost reduction and efficiency in the process of production (V MARIAPPAN, K CHIDAMBARAM) (2003). The competition from international market has been increased due to the continuous innovation on technology used in the industrial sector of textile which ultimately increases the cost. The protection from international competition of the earlier semi-insular phase has given rise to high cost manufacturing, which is inhibiting both the expansion of the domestic market and more rapid development of exports [India, 1985:16].(Aug 29 1989). However, the intense competition in international market leads to the high domestic growth with increased in the level of exports. Productivity is getting drained mainly due to under- utilization of machines, inefficient working, poor machinery maintenance, over- spinning, lack of modernization, power shortage and unhealthy labor and management relations [Gulrajani 1982]. (2003) with reference to above saying the same situation is related to the Pakistans textile sector the machines used in the textile sector is either underutilized or very old which became the hurdle in productivity of the sector and the labor related with this textile sector is also effected due to strong labor unions in the country which increase cost and decrease productivity and eventually profit of the textile sector. The government policies related to the investment on technological innovation also effect textile sector Government policies in these sectors, it is argued, have been biased against fresh investments; and import restrictions on capital goods and advanced technology have condemned entire industries to obsolete technologies (1989). The restriction on the imports and other obligations imposed by the Government on the purchase of machinery from outside country force the entire industry to obsolete technologies as well the continuous capital requirement for the expansion of production and other raw material cost force the textile sector to borrow money from bank to inject working capital. One of the most important concepts that a new business owner should know is how working capital and financing helps them survive and grow in a competitive world. The difference between current assets and current liabilities is known as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“net working capital (Jonathan Keith Gober). The data of textile sector used in this research shows that most of the companies have negative working capital which means the current liabilities of the textile sector is more than the asset which again increase the cost of the textile sector of Pakistan. 2.9 Textile Sector Cost of Fixed Assets: With increasing global competition, the survival of any industry is getting difficult day by day especially in developing countries like Pakistan. Textile sector or any other sector of all developing countries used machineries and fixed assets which are obsolete and outmoded which increases their cost of production and decline productivity, efficiency and profitability. According to V. Mariappan and K. Chidambaram (2003), proper machine utilizations, the effective cost management and quality of material supplies are the three vital factors that determine the operating efficiency of a textile mill. Developing countries lack in most of the industrial resources same as the case with textile sector in Pakistan we have to import most of the technical machinery and equipment used in textile sector from other developed countries and this increases the overall cost of textile sector in Pakistan. Although the cost of textile sector increases with purchase of new machineries and equipment but this advancement in technology create the positive impact on performance of textile sector because this not only increase productivity, efficiency and profitability but also it helps textile firms to compete in the global market. Increase productivity of the textile sector is not only the outcome of advancement in the level technological development but other factors such as relative cost of labour and equipment, the cost of material, effective management of working capital and other resources also create an impact on it. Thus, higher productivity is not an accident. It is the result of effective p lanning and the judicious use of resources, V. Mariappan and K. Chidambaram (2003). Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY 3.1 Statement of Problem: What is the impact of working capital, cost of production and fixed assets cost on profitability of textile sector in Pakistan? 3.2 Hypotheses: H1: Increase in working capital negatively affect the profitability of textile sector by increase in short term liabilities. H2: Investment in technological instruments (Fixed Assets) has the positive impact on the profitability of textile sector: H3: High production cost has a negative impact on the development of textile sector. 3.3 Data Collection: There are two major sources of data collection use by the researchers for research purposes. They are: Primary Data: Primary data is used for the first through questionnaires, interviews and service and this is not published anywhere before. Secondary data: Secondary data is used for the researches which are based on already published in different newspapers, research journals and yearly companies reports. Chapter 4: STATISTICAL ANALYSIS In the model summary table he capital à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Rà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? in this table is coefficient of correlation which is .775 which shows that there is high correlation(relationship) between dependent (net income) and independent variables (fixed assets, working capital and cost of good sold) the second column which shows R Square (coefficient of determination or regression coefficient) which shows that 60% Of variation in net income amount is caused by predictors third column is Adjusted R square 59.7% variation is caused by predictors considering number of observations and the number of predicted variables. The ANOVA table tests the model acceptability and how model fits the first row which shows regression displays information about the variation accounted for by your model and the second row of Residual shows information about the variation is not accounted by your model the significance value of F is .000 which is less than 0.05 so it means than model is acceptable and the variation explained by the model is not due to chance. The coefficients table the first row shows constant which is second column of first row -38.373 shows that when all predictors (cogs, working capital and fixed assets) are held to zero the amount of net income is -38.373 and the constant is also significant P0.05, p=0.641 which means that change in fixed assets will not bring any change in net income On the basis of correlation matrix fixed assets is again rejected of being related to net income R=0.309 which is very low correlation it is also insignificant as shown in coefficient table. Chapter 5: CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATIONS: 5.1 Conclusion: After evaluating the whole textile sector I reached to a point that cost is greatly affect the productivity, efficiency and profitability of every sector same as the case with textile sector. In Pakistan, the textile sector is considered the most important investment sector which greatly push Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and National Income (NI) of the country. So to study such an important sector these variables help me in evaluating the relationship of cost with the performance of textile sector. The hypothesis used in conducting this research shows the impact of fixed assets, working capital, cost of production with the net income of the sector my finding shows that there is no impact of fixed asset cost on net income of the textile sector so my hypothesis is rejected which shows that increase in the investment of technology and equipment improve the efficiency and productivity of textile sector. Secondly, the research contain other variable relationship with the development of textile sector in which the working capital plays an important role my research results clearly shows the impact of working capital with net income because the increase in current assets help this sector to better maintain its current liabilities which ultimately reduces the addition cost incurred by the sector. In Pakistan textile sector needs continuous short term investment which forced the sector to increase it short term debt by borrowing from bank to meet its short term expenses. So the sample size taken in the research shows that both of them are highly correlated but they have inverse relationship increase in working capital decreases the net income as vise a versa. So my hypothesis for the working capital is accepted and it is proved that independent variable is explained by dependent variable. The third and last variable is the cost of production which incorporate all costs incurred while production of the textile items. It include the prices for all raw materials which are essential for the production process fuel, oil inventories, transportation, cotton prices, yarn prices which bring significant changes in the profitability of textile sector . The hypothesis used for the cost of production shows that there is inverse relationship on cost of production and profitability as cost for producing the textile items is increasing the profitability becomes falling and in result the development of textile sector faced hurdles in growing. The overall analysis shows that we cannot considered the increase in production only until or unless the cost structure is not clearly defined although the production of textile sector is increased in last few years but simultaneously the cost is increased with greater extend which reduces the profit margins with very less proportion which does not support the economy of Pakistan which has the major share in growth of the Pakistans economy. 5.2 Recommendations: Pakistan is a one of the leading country producing raw yarn, cotton, and fabrics. If we focus on the value added products like garments, hosiery, knitwear and other textile products, the production volume of textiles can be enhanced by tremendously. In this respect top priority should be given to cost reduction, easy availability of working capital and employment creation. The Government of Pakistan has created a special Textile Board for the promotion of Textile Industry as predicted in Textile Vision 2005 but unfortunately its performance and productivity is still below expectation of the government of Pakistan. So the guess is that government should establish a Ministry of Textile to meet the demand of private sector.   Whole economy of Pakistan is suffering due to energy crisis. Therefore, the increase in double digit inflation causes great discrepancy in the production of textile industry which forces most of the textile firms to wind up their business and to set up their business in other countries in our region. Therefore, my suggestion for government is that the government should take concrete steps on priority basis to resolve energy crisis and control inflation in Pakistan. The government of Pakistan has recently imposed tax of the import of thread from other countries which is severely affecting the productivity and profitability of the textile sector and tremendously increases the cost of production of textile industry. To resolve this issue, the government needs to seriously look into this matter and try to find a solution to it to boost the textile industry in Pakistan. Government should either set up joint ventures in textile related areas or should provide subsidized credit to textile manufacturers to upgrade their technology and capacity building through à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Technology Upgradation Fund. (TUF). It is also suggested that smaller units of power looms (up to 50 looms) should be upgraded to auto looms and power loom units larger than 50 looms into air jet looms. At present cost of doing business in Pakistan is higher as compared to the regional countries, which has resulted in bitter competitiveness to Pakistani Products in Foreign Markets. China and India are the bigger co Effect of WCM on Firm Profitability in Pakistan Textiles Effect of WCM on Firm Profitability in Pakistan Textiles This research examines the effect of Working Capital Management (WCM) on profitability of firms in the textile sector of Pakistan. I also used cost of production and fixed assets cost as control variable to investigate their effect on profitability of textile companies. I have selected a sample size of 55 textile companies of Pakistan for a period of six years from 2003 to 2008. Regression and coefficient of correlation are used for analysis. The SPSS result R=0.77 shows the strong correlation between the model which helps me understand the relationship between working capital, cost of production, fixed assets and profitability. OBJECTIVES This research is focusing on working capital management and its effects on profitability of textile companies in Pakistan. The main objectives are: To determine the relationship between the efficiency of Working Capital Management (WCM) and Profitability over a period of 6 years for 55 Textile firms of Pakistan. To analyze the relationship between cost of production and profitability of textile companies. To find out the effect of fixed assets cost on profitability of textile companies. To draw conclusion about the relationship between efficiency of working capital management and profitability of textile firms in Pakistan. To suggest some measures for improvement in working capital management of textile sector in Pakistan. LIMITATIONS Due to the time frame and choice of the subject there were number of limitation faced by the researcher during the thesis. The first and the foremost limitation to this research is the shortage of time which created many hurdles in collecting data and completion of report; Researcher was unable to find many research on his topic within the scenario of Pakistan. So therefore researches were unable to compare its finding with other researches; Very few studies have been made in relation to Working Capital Management (WCM) especially in the textile sector in Pakistan. Therefore, the present study is a maiden attempt to analyze the relationship between WCM efficiency, cost of production, fixed assets cost and Profit in the textile sector in Pakistan. Its was very difficult for research to collect financial data of 55 textile companies in a very short span of time allotted to complete the research. Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Textile Sector: Textile products are a basic human requirement next only to food. Backbone of industrial sector which plays a vital role in the national economy it give support to GDP, exports, employment, foreign exchange earnings, investment and contribution to value added industry by providing employment to largely utilized workforce. So to boost the economy and to reduce the poverty in the country the performance of all industrial sectors is very important and textile sector is one of the major sectors of all developing countries. 1.2 Performance of Textile Sector in Pakistan: The performance of textile sector has strong relationship with the cost incurred by textile sector and effective management of net working capital. Pakistan is a developing country which lack in most of the industrial resources same as the case with textile sector in Pakistan we have to import most of the technical machinery used in textile sector from other developed countries which increases the overall cost of textile sector in Pakistan as well as lack of working capital, increase in fuel prices, electricity shortage, high import duties, high cost of debt, taxation and all other factors together bring negativity in the performance of textile sector. However, Pakistans textile industry has again started to invest in the textile machinery and the imports of textile machinery for the month of February, 2010 were $23.1 million, an increase of 190% as compared to the imports of machinery in February, 2009 of $7.99 million. From July 09 to February 10 the total imports of machinery reco rded 3.1% increase, from $158.89 million to $163.844 million for the same period last year. Although the textiles sector cost has increased by purchase of these new machineries but this technology placed the positive impact on performance of textile industries because this not only increase productivity ultimately profit but also it helps to compete in the international market. The increased in labor cost is also one of factor effecting the textile sector in Pakistan because the major portion of textile production depends upon the labor used for production purposes due to the lack of technology. As the enhancement of minimum wages for textile sector is announced which proposed increase in minimum wages from Rs.4, 600/= to Rs.6, 000/= per Month (over 30%) for unskilled workers will have a devastating effect on industry. Besides the financial impact will also have to be borne towards payment of gratuity, provident fund, EOBI, social security excluding overtime etc. which if worked out will come to Rs.8, 322. In addition to the above, proportionate increase will also have to be given to the skilled cadre of workers as for instance; an operator will refuse to work at the same rate of salary being paid to a doffer. This will make textile sector survival more difficult in current scenario. The growth of textile sector depends on its productivity and mainly depend s on the cost and profitability. The textile sector is the largest sector of Pakistans economy which has the major shares in exports of the country but the major financing of this industry depends upon the bank loan. To purchase heavy machineries on cash or to lease them, the textile sector required huge amount of investment and to meet daily expenditures they need net working capital and for all that they have to borrow from bank by paying interest (i.e. cost debt) which increases the overall cost of textile sector in Pakistan. The textile sector of Pakistan is divided in many small firms which have small capital structure most of them are mainly dependent on loans due to unavailability of funds, continuous increase in cost of production. All these factors have a cumulative effect on the cost and profitability of textile sector as the increase in double digit inflation the survival of textile sector become more difficult. Although the textile sector of Pakistan is backed by the government with their greatest intere st in textile sector. They have arrange different types of investment policies and funds for textile sector but the improvement in textile sector due to other factors is still less then the requirement. Importance Of Textile Industry In Pakistans Economy 1.3 Effect of Working Capital and Other Factors on Textile Sector: Working capital management is a very important component of finance because it directly affects the profitability and liquidity of any organization especially in developing countries like Pakistan. It comprises funds invested in Current Assets, which in the ordinary course of business can be turned into cash within a short period without undergoing diminishing in value and without interruption of the organization. Current Liabilities are those which are projected to be paid in the ordinary course of business within a short time. Every company has to make arrangements for adequate funds to meet the day-to-day expenditure apart from investment in Fixed Assets. However, Pakistan textile sector is on decline just because of the additional cost due to lack of working capital which can have impact of profitability and liquidity and increase in inflation also effect textiles production badly. In this research, I have discussed and analyzed the relationship between the efficiency level of working capital management and profitability of textile sector in Pakistan as it is the major sector which contribute in Pakistan economy and generate foreign revenue by exporting textile products to international markets but the increase in cost, debt and improper management of working capital in this sector make its a declining sector in terms of profitability and liquidity. The textile industries come under the SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises) which does not bear the continuous increase of cost. According to APTMA, textile exports of Pakistan have declined by about 20% in 2008. The industry is bracing for more trouble ahead with continuing crises of electrici ty and gas, international market access, global economic slowdown, lack of capital and adverse travel advisories. Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Concept of Working Capital: Gross Working Capital: It represents the total current assets and is also referred to as circulating capital because current capital as current assets, are circulating in nature. Net Working Capital: It is a measure of liquidity and it can be defined in two ways. The most usually implied definition of net working capital is that it represents the difference between current assets and current liabilities. Some people also define it as excess of current assets over the current liabilities. It is that portion of the firms current assets, which is financed by long-term funds. 2.2 Objectives of Working Capital Management: The main objective is to ensure the maintenance of satisfactory level of working capital in such a way that it is neither inadequate nor excessive. It should not only be sufficient to cover the current liabilities but ensure a reasonable margin of safety also. To minimize the amount of capital employed in financing the current assets. This also leads to an improvement in the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Return of Capital Employedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. To manage the current assets in such a way that the marginal return on investment in these assets is not less than the cost of capital acquired to finance them. This will ensure the maximization of the value of the business unit. To maintain the proper balance between the amount of current assets and the current liabilities in such a way that the firm is always able to meet its financial obligations, whenever due. This will ensure the smooth working of the unit without any production held ups due to paucity of funds. 2.3 Nature Importance of Working Capital: Working capital is the most important concepts that a company should understand as how working capital and financing helps them to survive and competitive in business world. Working capital fulfills the short-term financial requirements of any business organization including textile companies especially in developing countries like Pakistan. It is regarded as operating capital needed to meets daily cash requirement of the organization and can not be retained in the business for a longer period of time in a particular form. The money invested in working capital changes its form and substance during the normal course of any business operations and the need and importance for maintaining an adequate working capital in any industry including textile sector can not be neglected in any way. Just as human body can not survive without the circulation of blood in the body, the organization also requires sufficient flow of funds within the organization. If it becomes weak, the business can har dly survive, prosper and generate profit. In developing countries like Pakistan, working capital starvation is generally accredited as one of the most important reason which causes the decline of any industry. According to Rafuse, (1996), Working capital starvation is generally credited as a major cause if not the major cause of small business failure in many developed and developing countries. There are several problems that create starvation of cash in any business which include poor financial management and improper planning of cash management. Jarvis et al, (1996) said that the cash flow problems of many small businesses are exacerbated by poor financial management and in particular the lack of planning cash requirements. For the financial strength of the business, a company should have and will prefer to have a positive working capital rather than a negative working capital. Some of the best ways to acquire short-term working capital financing are equity, trade credit and short-term loans. 2.4 Determinants of Working Capital: Working capital management is an indispensable functional area of management. However the large number of factors influences the total working capital requirements of the firm. It may however be added that these factors affect differently to the different units and these keep varying from time to time. In general, the determinants of working capital, which are common to all organizations, can be summarized as under: Nature and Size of Business Production Cycle Business Cycle Production Policy Credit Policy Growth Expansion Proper availability of raw materials Profit level Inflation Operating Efficiency 2.5 Sources of Working Capital: The working capital necessary and what constitutes working capital have been analyzed in depth. Now we look out what are the ways we can generate working capital. Trade Credits Bank Credit Current provisions and non-bank short term borrowings: and Long term sources i.e., equity share capital, preference share capital and other long term borrowings. 2.6 The Management of Working Capital According to Van Horne (1977), working capital management is the management of current assets such as cash, marketable securities, receivables, and inventories. Osisioma (1997) described working capital management as the regulation, adjustment, and management of balance between current assets and current liabilities of a firm such that maturing obligations are met, and the fixed assets are properly serviced. In order to manage working capital efficiently, two elements must exist as necessary components and desirable quantities. Osisioma (1997) explained that efficient working capital management must guarantee an adequate relationship between the different components of a organizations working capital so as to make an efficient mix, which will guarantee capital adequacy. Thus, working capital management should ensure that the desirable quantities of each component of the working capital are available for organization. However, the question arises that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“What determines n ecessary components of an organizations working capital and how much of such necessary components can be considered as adequate or desirable?à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? Each organization working capitals necessary components depend on the type of business and industry. Cash, accounts payables, accounts receivables, marketable securities, inventories, and redeemable futures can be recognized as the common components of firms working capital. However, the question is to recognize the factors that determine the adequacy of working capital based on growth, size, operating cash flow, etc. The inability to understand the determining factors and measurement of adequate amounts of working capital will lead an organization to bankruptcy. The altitude of performance levels businesses have traditionally been attributed to many general managerial factors such as manufacturing cost, marketing strategies and operations. Working capital management may have a consequent impact on business survival and growth (Kargar and Blumenthal, 1994). The proper management of working capital is very vital for the financial health of businesses of all sizes. It is often observed that the amounts invested in working capital are high in percentage to the total assets employed. Therefore, it is imperative that these amounts should be used in an efficient and effective manner. However, there is substantiation that manufacturing sector which include textile industry as well are not very good at managing their working capital. Reasons for that are many small businesses suffer from undercapitalization, increase cost of production, increase fixed asset cost and lots of other factors. According to V MARIAPPAN, K CHIDAMBARAM) (2003), Productivity does not only mean the increase in production but it relates to the cost reduction and efficiency in the process of production. Therefore, the importance of exerting tight control over working capital investment, cost of production and cost of fixed assets can not be neglected. An organization can be highly profitable, but if it fails to translate this into cash from operations within the same operating period, the organization would require borrowing to support its continued working capital requirements. Hence, the dual objectives of profitability and liquidity must be synchronized and one should not impinge on the other for long. Investments by any business in current assets are inevitable to ensure delivery of goods or services to the ultimate customers and a proper management of same should create the desired impact on either profitability or liquidity. If different resources are blocked at the various phases of the supply chain, this will lengthen the cash operating cycle. However, profitability might increase due to increase sales but it may also adversely affect the profitability if the costs tied up in working capital surpass the benefits of carrying more inventories and/or allowing more trade credit to customers. (Padachi, Kesseven, Oct 2006) 2.7 Production Cost Profit: Production cost is the cost of materials and labor necessary to produce goods and there are two types of profit that is generated from a business. The first is gross profit which is the difference of the total revenue generated after the sale of each item by the production cost for that item. Second is net profit which is calculated once the company pays taxes, rent, and other expenses that might come with running and owning the business. However lack of technology, increase labor and material cost, higher cost of debt and other factors increases production cost and decrease profit but if production increases, businesses are able to purchase more materials at a discounted rate, which can help them to reduce the production cost. 2.8 Textile Sector Cost of Production: The relationship of cost of production with profit of any sector is the key element used to evaluate the productivity of that particular sector including textile sector. Productivity is often mixed with increased production. However, higher production does not always mean higher productivity. Higher productivity can be achieved only by better utilization of resources and reduction of cost. So the importance of production cost can not be neglected and is closely related to the increase productivity of industrial sector on any economy. According to the Michael porter of the Harvard University says the competitiveness of any sector is totally depend on the productivity of its industrial sector. Productivity does not only mean the increase in production but it relates to the cost reduction and efficiency in the process of production (V MARIAPPAN, K CHIDAMBARAM) (2003). The competition from international market has been increased due to the continuous innovation on technology used in the industrial sector of textile which ultimately increases the cost. The protection from international competition of the earlier semi-insular phase has given rise to high cost manufacturing, which is inhibiting both the expansion of the domestic market and more rapid development of exports [India, 1985:16].(Aug 29 1989). However, the intense competition in international market leads to the high domestic growth with increased in the level of exports. Productivity is getting drained mainly due to under- utilization of machines, inefficient working, poor machinery maintenance, over- spinning, lack of modernization, power shortage and unhealthy labor and management relations [Gulrajani 1982]. (2003) with reference to above saying the same situation is related to the Pakistans textile sector the machines used in the textile sector is either underutilized or very old which became the hurdle in productivity of the sector and the labor related with this textile sector is also effected due to strong labor unions in the country which increase cost and decrease productivity and eventually profit of the textile sector. The government policies related to the investment on technological innovation also effect textile sector Government policies in these sectors, it is argued, have been biased against fresh investments; and import restrictions on capital goods and advanced technology have condemned entire industries to obsolete technologies (1989). The restriction on the imports and other obligations imposed by the Government on the purchase of machinery from outside country force the entire industry to obsolete technologies as well the continuous capital requirement for the expansion of production and other raw material cost force the textile sector to borrow money from bank to inject working capital. One of the most important concepts that a new business owner should know is how working capital and financing helps them survive and grow in a competitive world. The difference between current assets and current liabilities is known as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“net working capital (Jonathan Keith Gober). The data of textile sector used in this research shows that most of the companies have negative working capital which means the current liabilities of the textile sector is more than the asset which again increase the cost of the textile sector of Pakistan. 2.9 Textile Sector Cost of Fixed Assets: With increasing global competition, the survival of any industry is getting difficult day by day especially in developing countries like Pakistan. Textile sector or any other sector of all developing countries used machineries and fixed assets which are obsolete and outmoded which increases their cost of production and decline productivity, efficiency and profitability. According to V. Mariappan and K. Chidambaram (2003), proper machine utilizations, the effective cost management and quality of material supplies are the three vital factors that determine the operating efficiency of a textile mill. Developing countries lack in most of the industrial resources same as the case with textile sector in Pakistan we have to import most of the technical machinery and equipment used in textile sector from other developed countries and this increases the overall cost of textile sector in Pakistan. Although the cost of textile sector increases with purchase of new machineries and equipment but this advancement in technology create the positive impact on performance of textile sector because this not only increase productivity, efficiency and profitability but also it helps textile firms to compete in the global market. Increase productivity of the textile sector is not only the outcome of advancement in the level technological development but other factors such as relative cost of labour and equipment, the cost of material, effective management of working capital and other resources also create an impact on it. Thus, higher productivity is not an accident. It is the result of effective p lanning and the judicious use of resources, V. Mariappan and K. Chidambaram (2003). Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY 3.1 Statement of Problem: What is the impact of working capital, cost of production and fixed assets cost on profitability of textile sector in Pakistan? 3.2 Hypotheses: H1: Increase in working capital negatively affect the profitability of textile sector by increase in short term liabilities. H2: Investment in technological instruments (Fixed Assets) has the positive impact on the profitability of textile sector: H3: High production cost has a negative impact on the development of textile sector. 3.3 Data Collection: There are two major sources of data collection use by the researchers for research purposes. They are: Primary Data: Primary data is used for the first through questionnaires, interviews and service and this is not published anywhere before. Secondary data: Secondary data is used for the researches which are based on already published in different newspapers, research journals and yearly companies reports. Chapter 4: STATISTICAL ANALYSIS In the model summary table he capital à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Rà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? in this table is coefficient of correlation which is .775 which shows that there is high correlation(relationship) between dependent (net income) and independent variables (fixed assets, working capital and cost of good sold) the second column which shows R Square (coefficient of determination or regression coefficient) which shows that 60% Of variation in net income amount is caused by predictors third column is Adjusted R square 59.7% variation is caused by predictors considering number of observations and the number of predicted variables. The ANOVA table tests the model acceptability and how model fits the first row which shows regression displays information about the variation accounted for by your model and the second row of Residual shows information about the variation is not accounted by your model the significance value of F is .000 which is less than 0.05 so it means than model is acceptable and the variation explained by the model is not due to chance. The coefficients table the first row shows constant which is second column of first row -38.373 shows that when all predictors (cogs, working capital and fixed assets) are held to zero the amount of net income is -38.373 and the constant is also significant P0.05, p=0.641 which means that change in fixed assets will not bring any change in net income On the basis of correlation matrix fixed assets is again rejected of being related to net income R=0.309 which is very low correlation it is also insignificant as shown in coefficient table. Chapter 5: CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATIONS: 5.1 Conclusion: After evaluating the whole textile sector I reached to a point that cost is greatly affect the productivity, efficiency and profitability of every sector same as the case with textile sector. In Pakistan, the textile sector is considered the most important investment sector which greatly push Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and National Income (NI) of the country. So to study such an important sector these variables help me in evaluating the relationship of cost with the performance of textile sector. The hypothesis used in conducting this research shows the impact of fixed assets, working capital, cost of production with the net income of the sector my finding shows that there is no impact of fixed asset cost on net income of the textile sector so my hypothesis is rejected which shows that increase in the investment of technology and equipment improve the efficiency and productivity of textile sector. Secondly, the research contain other variable relationship with the development of textile sector in which the working capital plays an important role my research results clearly shows the impact of working capital with net income because the increase in current assets help this sector to better maintain its current liabilities which ultimately reduces the addition cost incurred by the sector. In Pakistan textile sector needs continuous short term investment which forced the sector to increase it short term debt by borrowing from bank to meet its short term expenses. So the sample size taken in the research shows that both of them are highly correlated but they have inverse relationship increase in working capital decreases the net income as vise a versa. So my hypothesis for the working capital is accepted and it is proved that independent variable is explained by dependent variable. The third and last variable is the cost of production which incorporate all costs incurred while production of the textile items. It include the prices for all raw materials which are essential for the production process fuel, oil inventories, transportation, cotton prices, yarn prices which bring significant changes in the profitability of textile sector . The hypothesis used for the cost of production shows that there is inverse relationship on cost of production and profitability as cost for producing the textile items is increasing the profitability becomes falling and in result the development of textile sector faced hurdles in growing. The overall analysis shows that we cannot considered the increase in production only until or unless the cost structure is not clearly defined although the production of textile sector is increased in last few years but simultaneously the cost is increased with greater extend which reduces the profit margins with very less proportion which does not support the economy of Pakistan which has the major share in growth of the Pakistans economy. 5.2 Recommendations: Pakistan is a one of the leading country producing raw yarn, cotton, and fabrics. If we focus on the value added products like garments, hosiery, knitwear and other textile products, the production volume of textiles can be enhanced by tremendously. In this respect top priority should be given to cost reduction, easy availability of working capital and employment creation. The Government of Pakistan has created a special Textile Board for the promotion of Textile Industry as predicted in Textile Vision 2005 but unfortunately its performance and productivity is still below expectation of the government of Pakistan. So the guess is that government should establish a Ministry of Textile to meet the demand of private sector.   Whole economy of Pakistan is suffering due to energy crisis. Therefore, the increase in double digit inflation causes great discrepancy in the production of textile industry which forces most of the textile firms to wind up their business and to set up their business in other countries in our region. Therefore, my suggestion for government is that the government should take concrete steps on priority basis to resolve energy crisis and control inflation in Pakistan. The government of Pakistan has recently imposed tax of the import of thread from other countries which is severely affecting the productivity and profitability of the textile sector and tremendously increases the cost of production of textile industry. To resolve this issue, the government needs to seriously look into this matter and try to find a solution to it to boost the textile industry in Pakistan. Government should either set up joint ventures in textile related areas or should provide subsidized credit to textile manufacturers to upgrade their technology and capacity building through à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Technology Upgradation Fund. (TUF). It is also suggested that smaller units of power looms (up to 50 looms) should be upgraded to auto looms and power loom units larger than 50 looms into air jet looms. At present cost of doing business in Pakistan is higher as compared to the regional countries, which has resulted in bitter competitiveness to Pakistani Products in Foreign Markets. China and India are the bigger co

Friday, October 25, 2019

Television Violence Essay -- TV Ratings System

I went to pick up my daughter from preschool today only to find out that she punched a little girl. She also kicked the teacher. I sat down with her and asked her why she hurt them. She said, "I didn't hurt them I was using my powers." I wondered where she might be getting the idea that she had powers, and that it didn't hurt anyone when she used those powers. I thought back to the last few nights. The only different thing in her life was the new show Power Puff Girls. It was then I realized that this new cartoon show she had been watching at home just might be the cause. Children learn behavior through examples. Television is a major influence. One area of concern is the violent content in children's television and their access to other inappropriate programming. The government has the ability to rule and regulate stations both nationally and locally. Exposure to violence on television can affect the way children behave toward their environment. This creates an additional responsibility for parents and teachers to not only protect children from violence but to also teach children to resist violence. Because of the negative influence of violent television programming for children, and their easy access to other violent programs; the government, teachers, and parents need to educate and protect children against violence. Thanks to technology, we have many more opportunities available to us. This expands the world of education to many who would otherwise not have it. However, this advance of technology has also allowed our children to be exposed to inappropriate programming on television. The violent content is not only on regular programs that children are allowed to view, but it is also a main theme in shows geared to young children, especially in cartoons. I asked Jean Cobb, a Child Care Provider at The Children's Center, "What type of programming has the most violent influence and why?" She said, "Cartoons have always been around but the violence hasn't been brought to our attention until recently. There aren't many cartoons that don't have violence." Children learn a lot of their behavior through the examples set on television. These behaviors appear while interacting with other children. I have observed children fight, hit, bite, spit and use many mean words to other children. The same behavior is commonplace on children's programming. This can... ...side affects of the violent behavior. Parents must be wary of the programming that children are viewing. In combining our efforts government, teachers, and parents can teach children to act and react appropriately and responsibly. Cobb said, "I think everyone in their daily lives and all of society have stressful times. Adults need to learn to handle their emotions so that we can be role models for the children. We need peers to use as a sounding board to keep our frustrations in tact." In order to teach, we need to be teachable. In order to protect, we need to be informed of dangers. Protecting, educating, and teaching resistance to violence are some ways to help improve children's behavior. Works Cited "Child and Family Canada" Television Violence: A Review of the Effects on Children of Different Ages Cobb, Jean. Child Care Provider USI. Personal Interview. 17 Nov. 2011. "Factsheet" Chronology of Main Events & Initiatives Undertaken Related To The Issue Of Television Violence   Ã‚  2010 "A Family Guide to TV Ratings" A Family Guide to TV Ratings Television Violence Essay -- TV Ratings System I went to pick up my daughter from preschool today only to find out that she punched a little girl. She also kicked the teacher. I sat down with her and asked her why she hurt them. She said, "I didn't hurt them I was using my powers." I wondered where she might be getting the idea that she had powers, and that it didn't hurt anyone when she used those powers. I thought back to the last few nights. The only different thing in her life was the new show Power Puff Girls. It was then I realized that this new cartoon show she had been watching at home just might be the cause. Children learn behavior through examples. Television is a major influence. One area of concern is the violent content in children's television and their access to other inappropriate programming. The government has the ability to rule and regulate stations both nationally and locally. Exposure to violence on television can affect the way children behave toward their environment. This creates an additional responsibility for parents and teachers to not only protect children from violence but to also teach children to resist violence. Because of the negative influence of violent television programming for children, and their easy access to other violent programs; the government, teachers, and parents need to educate and protect children against violence. Thanks to technology, we have many more opportunities available to us. This expands the world of education to many who would otherwise not have it. However, this advance of technology has also allowed our children to be exposed to inappropriate programming on television. The violent content is not only on regular programs that children are allowed to view, but it is also a main theme in shows geared to young children, especially in cartoons. I asked Jean Cobb, a Child Care Provider at The Children's Center, "What type of programming has the most violent influence and why?" She said, "Cartoons have always been around but the violence hasn't been brought to our attention until recently. There aren't many cartoons that don't have violence." Children learn a lot of their behavior through the examples set on television. These behaviors appear while interacting with other children. I have observed children fight, hit, bite, spit and use many mean words to other children. The same behavior is commonplace on children's programming. This can... ...side affects of the violent behavior. Parents must be wary of the programming that children are viewing. In combining our efforts government, teachers, and parents can teach children to act and react appropriately and responsibly. Cobb said, "I think everyone in their daily lives and all of society have stressful times. Adults need to learn to handle their emotions so that we can be role models for the children. We need peers to use as a sounding board to keep our frustrations in tact." In order to teach, we need to be teachable. In order to protect, we need to be informed of dangers. Protecting, educating, and teaching resistance to violence are some ways to help improve children's behavior. Works Cited "Child and Family Canada" Television Violence: A Review of the Effects on Children of Different Ages Cobb, Jean. Child Care Provider USI. Personal Interview. 17 Nov. 2011. "Factsheet" Chronology of Main Events & Initiatives Undertaken Related To The Issue Of Television Violence   Ã‚  2010 "A Family Guide to TV Ratings" A Family Guide to TV Ratings

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dion Lee

Sydney born Dion Lee is a 24 year old successful Australian born high end textile fashion designer who creates clear-cut, structured and tailored to perfection garments to create a perfect silhouette for the woman wearing his designs. He is one of the fashion industries youngest well known designers. Dion is inspired by the construction of clothing. He likes edge cutting garments which are extremely functional created with the combination of traditional tailoring techniques and modern concepts and techniques.His designs cater working class women who look for the smart casual look which is accomplished with the designer’s sharp blazers and also girls who are looking for a chic cocktail frock. Fashion designer Dion Lee launched his debut collection in 2008 and quickly cemented his status as one of Australia's leading talents. Best known for his translation of architecture and science into â€Å"relaxed sophistication† Dion now attracts global attention, but still calls Sy dney home.Believing that Sydney style reflects the physical landscape and its trans seasonal climate, Dion effortlessly designs collections balancing proportion and silhouette to create structures that â€Å"link the environment and the body†. â€Å"I design for a certain kind of contemporary feminine identity, there is a very strong connection within that kind of woman being Australian,† says Dion.With origami like precision, his work is an articulation of engineered construction and detailed resolution, running parallels between architecture and fashion with â€Å"the ability to draw something on a two dimensional level and materialising it on a three dimensional sensory level†. This season is no different. Utilising proportion, volume, texture and his signature prints, his current collection which recently debuted in the UK, is the perfect balance of structure and fluidity.Taking inspiration from the collaborations he seeks, Dion has previously joined forces with Cue Clothing to release his own collection and most recently worked with Kanye West and Fashion Editor of Harper’s Bazaar Christine Centenera on his London show, supported by a short film he created with Australian Director Lorin Askill. If it’s possible to balance complexity with simplicity, Dion Lee achieves this in volumes. An achievement that puts him on the â€Å"watch list†, a status that Sydney and the world will be monitoring. Check out Dion Lee’s collection at Westfield, David Jones and Incu.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Threats to water availability in Canada

Threats to water availability in Canada Access to safe water for a healthy life is a major requirement for people in the world today. Although Canada is seen as a country with abundance of water resources, its population is the highest water consumer in the world causing a threat to its freshwater (Environment Canada 1).Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Threats to water availability in Canada specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A larger portion of the Canadian population is concentrated in urban areas but many freshwater rivers flow towards the northern side, which is the opposite direction from the populated regions. In Canada, water is valuable and it contributes an income of around $7.5 to $23 billion every year (Environment Canada 3). Currently, most water sources are under pressure due to growing domestic demand of freshwater in Canada. This paper outlines the crisis of freshwater supply faced by Canada. Agriculture is the highest water consumer and it is estimated that out of the total water consumption in Canada, 70 percent is used for Agriculture (Environment Canada 37). In addition to this, urbanization is another major reason why freshwater supply is reducing rapidly. At present, there is a lot of construction work going on in Canada and as a result, urban and residential are consuming a lot of water causing increase in water demand. The more worrying news is that changing climatic trends may cause more pressure on the water resources and worsen the situation. In fact, scientists have estimated that droughts may increase in the future threatening fresh water sources (Stanford 15). Due to increasing threat to the Canadian water resources, much attention has been drawn to different sectors in order to find a long-term solution to the current water crisis. Indeed, there is an urgent need to address the current crisis to ensure that Canada has access to fresh water in the future. To solve the problem, a number of recommendations have been put forward. Foremost, â€Å"to know what to do, you must first know what is happening† (Environment Canada 97). Thus, a plan to acquire observational and accurate data regarding water has been proposed. By acquiring such data, experts will be aware of the water usage patterns, Canadian fresh water sources, and water-related infrastructure (Stanford 67). Knowledge of this basic information will help the government to have an organized freshwater monitoring program and develop appropriate action plan. Secondly, it is important to develop research priorities. Developing a research plan will clarify causes of droughts hence improving the climatic conditions (Environment Canada 16). Moreover, research will also help maintain Canada’s climate modeling capabilities. With extensive research, the impact of climate change on forests, wetlands, and glacier (freshwater ecosystems) will be clarified too. Eventually, this will help in improving water quality by reducing c hemical drainage into water sources among other wastes.Advertising Looking for article on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thirdly, there is need to have informed policies and effective management plans (Stanford 121). In addition, there is need to develop policies regarding water usage (water rights) in order to minimize conflicts. More research into this topic will provide a good foundation for developing better and informed policies. As such, the Canadian government should adopt science based management practices to help in decision-making (Stanford 121). Lastly, there is need to have effective leadership and teamwork in order to address Canada’s freshwater crisis. Quality scientific leadership will play vital role in developing better assessment programs. In the government level, there is need to have committed leadership and teamwork to develop better policies that will not frustrate efforts to revive Canada’s fresh water supply (Environment Canada 94). In summary, in order to ensure that Canada has constant supply of freshwater in the future, there is need to develop sustainable action plan. Because of current pressure on Canada’s freshwater sources, there is need to do more research, implement appropriate policies, and have committed leadership so that the nation can continue having social and economical benefits acquired from use of freshwater. Environment Canada. Threats to Sources of Drinking Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Health in Canada. National Water Resource Institute, Burlington, Ontoaria. NWRI Scientific assessment, 1.1 (2001): 72. Print. Environment Canada. Threats to Water Availability in Canada. National Water Resource Institute, Burlington, Ontoaria. NWRI Scientific assessment, 3.1 (2004): 1-150. Print. Stanford, Williams. Water, Weather and the Mountain West. Ottawa: Rock mountain Books, 2007. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Avoid Over-Fertilizing Your Trees

Avoid Over-Fertilizing Your Trees Well-meaning homeowners who want to stimulate growth or promote health in their landscape trees often feed them with fertilizers. Unfortunately, too much of a good thing can have the opposite effect and can actually harm your trees. In normal landscape soils, many trees require no feeding at all, and if you do feed them, its critical that you use the right fertilizers in the right ratios.   The Right Fertilizer With the Right NPK Ratio Trees are usually grown for the appeal of their green foliage, so the best fertilizer is one with a relatively high ratio of nitrogen, which promotes green growth. Unless your soil is deficient in potassium or phosphorus (a soil test can tell you this), fertilizers for trees should have a high nitrogen number in the N-P-K designation.   A good choice is a fertilizer with an N-P-K (nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus) ratio of 10-6-4, preferably in a slow-release formulation.  Slow-release formulations are usually non-liquid products that use granules that are released gradually into the soil.   Although balanced fertilizers, such as 10-10-10 products, can be helpful for many flower and vegetable gardens when used with discretion, such fertilizers can have a bad effect when applied to the soil beneath trees. Excessive amounts of these nutrients can create too much mineral salt in the soil, which will harm the beneficial soil microorganisms  necessary to healthy trees.   Stay at less than .20 pounds of nitrogen per 100 square feet of root zone application area, depending on tree species and size. Any time you exceed this recommendation, you will create a situation for on-site contamination or the potential for runoff pollution into lakes and streams. Extreme contamination of soil can harm the site for a very long time. The Effects of Excessive Fertilization on Trees You can actually kill a tree if you apply too much fertilizer. Applying high levels of quick- release nitrogen can burn the roots when applied to the soil and can burn the foliage when applied as a foliar spray or drench. And if the fertilizer contains too much potassium and phosphorus, it creates excessive soil salts that trees may be unable to tolerate.   The most common ways to over-fertilize a tree include: Over-use of fertilizers that contain an equal ratio of all three essential nutrients (nitrogen, potassium,  and phosphorus)Applying more fertilizer than the standard recommended application rate suggestsUsing fast-release rather than time-release fertilizers Any or all of these mistakes will increase the chance of root damage to your tree. Too much fertilizer introduces toxic salt levels that not only harm the tree  but also make the site unsuitable for future planting.   Symptoms and Treatment for an Over-Fertilized Tree Symptoms of a tree that has been over-fertilized include: A crust of fertilizer visible on soil surface beneath the tree drip zone (the area of the ground beneath the spread of the branches)Yellowing, wilting, and browning on the trees foliage, starting at tree leaf tips and marginsA tree that starts to drop leaves before dormancy  begins.   The tree may survive and the site can be much improved if you do a fairly simple, three-part treatment as quickly as possible: Remove the dying or wilting leaves, if you have any, to reduce fertilizer remnants in the tree itself.Water the fertilized area of the soil thoroughly to a flushing point. Copious supplies of water will be necessary to flush excess fertilizer from the soil.  Cover the critical root zone with a natural plant-based mulch- preferably composted leaves and grass.  Perform a second water flush over the composted mulch.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Cultural Intelligence by Earley, P. Christopher and Elaine Mosakowski

Cultural Intelligence by Earley, P. Christopher and Elaine Mosakowski From the reading, there is compelling evidence demonstrating that cultural intelligence is defined as an individual’s capability to deal effectively in culturally diverse settings, that culturally intelligent individuals engaged in global assignments understand what constitutes intelligent behaviors in different cultures through their emotional, cognitive, motivational and behavioral cultural intelligence, and that a propensity to suspend judgment or to think before acting is required to achieve cultural intelligence (Earley Mosakowski 139-141).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Cultural Intelligence by Earley, P. Christopher and Elaine Mosakowski specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The authors present a self-assessment tool consisting of three typologies and scores of cultural intelligence, namely cognitive cultural intelligence, physical, cultural intelligence, and emotional/motivational cultural intelligence (E arley Mosakowski 143). Upon completing the self-assessment, it is evident that my level of cultural intelligence is as follows: cognitive cultural intelligence = 4; physical cultural intelligence = 4.5; and emotional/motivational intelligence = 2.25. Consequently, upon reflection, it is clear that efforts need to be undertaken to develop the emotional/motivational cultural intelligence component, especially in having confidence to deal with people from a different culture (score = 2), befriending individuals whose cultural backgrounds are different from mine (score = 2), and having the capacity to adapt to the lifestyle of a different culture with relative ease (score = 2). All the limitations described above are emotional/motivational oriented, hence the need to develop and strengthen the amount of energy that can be proactively directed at cultural learning and adjustment, with the view to improving the confidence to deal with people from a different culture. Additionally, there is need to focus attention to developing intrinsic motivational faculties geared toward engaging in interactions with individuals from a different culture, and also improving the level of emotional competence required to interact effectively in a culturally diverse environment (Earley Mosakowski 140-143). It is believed that emotional/motivational cultural intelligence not only facilitates the possibility of people on international assignments to proactively engage in experiential learning and become more productive but also drives these individuals to internalize further behavioral cultural intelligence, which then facilitates them to act according to culturally accepted rules and actively adjust to culturally diverse environments.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another area of development aimed at enhancing the emotional/motivational cultural intelligence component resides in facilitating the attainment of a propensity to suspend judgment or to think before acting, with the view to using senses to register all the ways that individuals in global contexts may be different from those in home environments yet similar to one another (Earley Mosakowski 140). According to these authors, it is essential to observe the conduct of individuals up until a point whereby the observation begins to settle into patterns to develop anticipatory faculties of how these individuals will react in the next situation, and also draw inferences that will be free of the routine hazards of stereotyping. This way, it would be easier to befriend individuals whose cultural backgrounds are different, have the confidence to deal with them, and also develop the capacity to adapt to the lifestyles of these people. Lastly, in light of the limitations noted, it would be plausible to develop the body, heart, and head, with the view to understanding the impulse behind the observ ed shifts in cross-cultural contexts, facilitating the capacity to alter appearance and emotions as the situation may demand. Enhancing the emotional capability to effectively deal and interact with people whose cultural backgrounds may be different from our very own (Earley Mosakowski 142). The efficient combination of the three components (body, heart, and head), given the authors, is of paramount importance in the development of a well-rounded cultural intelligence capability. Earley, P. Christopher and Elaine Mosakowski. â€Å"Cultural Intelligence.† Harvard Business Review. 83.1 (2004): 139-146. Web.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Health Information Management (HIM) Departmental Layout Project Assignment

Health Information Management (HIM) Departmental Layout Project - Assignment Example ient’s records department so the records and the offices will have to be adequately accommodated in a design that will not be cramped or that would render some areas hard to access. The main considerations are not just aesthetics but rather functionality and ease of access. The design guidelines for the project are to ensure a well developed space with the required offices and other partition areas in the most aesthetically pleasing way possible in consideration of the whole hospital unit’s visual unity. The spaces have to consider lighting and ventilation as much as possible especially for the office areas and other partitioned spaces that will be occupied by people. The design must ensure that the work flow moves smoothly with no interruptions and in the most efficient manner to ensure speed and quality of work (Alexi et al 2005). The design guideline should ensure at all times that the work travels in a straight line and the locations are properly founded. It should also ensure that the isles carry the load to their best advantage, and eliminate any waiting by the workers which should all have adequate working space and not be cramped. The tools must be at their proper places, and each individual should also be at their best

Friday, October 18, 2019

MGT 511 CASE ASSIGNMENT MODULE 4 Employee and Industrial Relations Essay

MGT 511 CASE ASSIGNMENT MODULE 4 Employee and Industrial Relations - Essay Example In terms of strategic human resource management, the employees as well as the industrial relations play a major role in the success of the strategic human resource management. A few of the many aspects that impact the strategic human resource management within a company include the following: a) Engaging employees: Employees form the main element of any business and the main aim of industrial relations is to ensure that a strong and effective relationship is built between the employers and employees (D'Annunzio-Green, Maxwell and Watson). The industrial relations also focus on protecting the rights of the management as well as the rights of the employees. This is in most cases done by creating goodwill and also with mutual understanding and trust among all the parties involved in the organisation. Industrial relations focuses on complete engagement of the employees and also focuses on improving the overall productivity and performance of the employees. Here the aim is to reduce the p ossible turnover and also to reduce the frequent absenteeism within the company as well (Armstrong). Strategic Human Resource management is focused on developing an interrelated approach towards better relationships and also higher productivity. The participation of the employees and the emphasis on the work groups have a major impact on the overall strategic human resource management (Greer). Employee participation includes the following aspects, i.e. motivation of employees, the commitment of the workforce, high efficiency, and also good and strong decision making within the company (York). All of these contribute to the strategic human resource management. b) Employee Performance and Documentation: The need for freedom of performance, thought and also expression is one of the main aspects of every employee in almost every industry. However when these are ignored and employees are treated more as objects than individuals, the impact is directly seen on the overall desire, motivati on and performance (Beer, Lawrence and Mills). An important aspect that every worker wants from the job is the security and recognition of a job well done. Employees also seek out good pay, good and safe working conditions and also any chance of participating in the decision making within a company (Dessler). Human resource management involves the understanding of the needs and aspirations of the workers and also works developing and explaining the behaviour of both individuals as well as groups and to look at possible ways to use the behaviour to improve the working conditions and also to work more successfully towards the objectives of the company (Jack and Halloran). Good understanding of the employees and their needs and also focus on the improvement of the working conditions of the company help reducing the overall conflicts within the company and also help in betterment of the employee participation equally (Torrington, Hall and Taylor, Fundamentals of Human Resource Managemen t: Managing People at Work). c) Complaint systems and whistleblowers   A complaint system and whistleblower is important for every business and helps keeping the disputes at bay and even in a number of cases preventing the disputes. Different complaint systems like the employee grievance redressals, which work on ensuring that the employee grievances are looked into and taken care of and industrial disputes are

Developing a new set of performance appraisal processes and measures Essay

Developing a new set of performance appraisal processes and measures - Essay Example The senior management should as much as possible prevent unsatisfied employees after the performance appraisal process. There should be a good way to determine the best way how to let employees understand what the company exactly perceives about their actual performance. There should be correct and exact criteria for performance appraisal that are not susceptible to bias or one-sided in its approach when they are put into application. This is to ensure that the entire process of performance appraisal program is controlled by the management that is far beyond the issue of unfair treatment. Management should give skills empowerment program for its employees. This is one of the ways in which employees are set to another level of standard and this is also a way how the management expects them to achieve specific level or standard. Learning and growth strategy is another important goal of the management to be executed prior to the actual performance appraisal process. This is to ensure th at employees are given the exact idea that the management expects them to grow and thus performance appraisal is just one of the effective ways for such measurement. In this way, employees will not recent about how they are being evaluated considering that there is a significant basis why they should be evaluated. In fact, the management could express its learning and growth strategy as a way of investing in its human resource. The management should emphasised that investing in its employees and particularly in its human resource is a good start to emphasise the significance of performance appraisal. However, employees should not view this as only a way of maximising company’s profit or financial performance. Rather, it should be viewed as integral part of how an organisation should find for its corporate success. This should be widely understood by employees and that their performance is an integral part of the entire corporate performance in the achievement of goals. Finall y, the management should create a good working environment for its employees. In this way, there is always a good reason for its employees to believe that they are giving their time at the right place. This should be integrated in the performance appraisal system. This is one of the good ways to ensure corresponding success in any attempt to evaluate corporate performance as far as the human resource is concerned. B. Recommendations Success of new performance appraisal process should be evaluated based on the detailed concept of employee-employer relationships. There are many things that an employer should understand about employees because each one of them has specific needs that could motivate them at some point. Feedbacks should be given in a way that it promotes neutral impact on both the management and its employees. This is to ensure that the employees are able to grasp the genuine intention of the management for giving feedbacks. Employer must be able to create significant un derstanding about both external and internal factors of the business environment. In this reason, there is always a good chance to take a better look at how employees perform their tasks and manage to do them based on the firm’s expectations. Firm should be able to evaluate first its expectations. In this way, there is always a good chance to concentrate on what really benefits the organisation. However, this does not mean that the entire process

Community Health Advocacy Project Part Four Essay

Community Health Advocacy Project Part Four - Essay Example There are also protective strategies that promote risk factors and health cases (Glanz, Rimer & Lewis, 2002). The implemented strategies at this point encompass good nutrition standards and health education programs. In that aspect, the primary level of prevention is also concerned with persons who are at the point of stage susceptibility to a disease. Another one is the second level of prevention that is also called the secondary level. It lays emphasis on the early identification and prompt treatment of a disease to prevent its spread. Therefore, these measures are essential to deter serious effects that have a likelihood of occurrence in case the disease is not treated on time (Bartholomew, 2011). Alternatively, the secondary level also tackles the prevention of patients that is targeted at those facing the early stages and pre-symptomatic signs of the disease. In that case, one of the tactics for secondary prevention involves screening of the disease that affects both individuals and groups. The final level of prevention is called tertiary prevention. This always happens after the disease has just happened. It is targeted at terminating the influence of the disease and also reduces the damage to the affected individual. Tertiary prevention also deals with rehabilitative measures that assist in the improvement of body functioning that supersedes a disease. Therefore, in the case of aggregate assessment of HIV/AIDS in Belle Glade community, there are interesting issues to note. For example, the primary level of prevention also encompasses safe sex education for the population. The population should also be sensitized to engage in safe sex by always using condoms as a deterrent measure against HIV/AIDS infection (Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). Additionally, there should also be health education that informs the masses about the modes of HIV/AIDS transmission and